
Export may seem like something only very large businesses do, but the reality is that a significant percentage of exporters are small companies.

Export provides a number of benefits and opportunities to smaller businesses –

  • Provides an immediate market expansion (especially if your product or service is niche)
  • Immediate opportunity to provide a new income stream
  • Wider sales opportunities can mean better production economies of scale
  • Exporting can spread the risk of just being in one market
  • You can sell excess products internationally
  • Exporting can extend the life of a product. Something which may have reached product maturity in the UK may still be a growth market in other countries

Alpine Business Management can advice and consultancy on export and also have access to advice and support including foreign trade visits and local support in destination countries.

If you would like to discuss how we can help you successfully export, please contact us and book in for our free initial consultation.

Contact us

t: 01724 231160